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Special Screening of The Anonymous People

Anonymous-PeopleA feature film about the 23.5 million Americans living in long-term recovery and the emerging public recovery movement will be shown at the Portage 16 IMAX Theater on February 19th at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for this special screening are $10.

The Anonymous People sneak preview is sponsored by the Porter County Substance Abuse Council and features interviews with more than 30 people among the millions in long-term recovery from drug and alcohol addiction who are making the courageous decision to speak out publicly.

Special event screening tickets are available now by clicking here, http://gathr.us/screening/6957. This link connects to the movie trailer: http://www.thenaonymouspeople.com.

Dedicated to working for a drug-free Porter County, the Substance Abuse Council is the county’s founding coalition working together to battle substance abuse. Dedicated to working for a drug-free Porter County, the Substance Abuse Council is a coalition of treatment facilities, education providers, members of the justice community and concerned citizens. A member of the Governor’s Commission for a Drug Free Indiana, the Council is in its 25th year providing funding to the community.