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Spotlight on Ben Franklin Middle School’s Music Department

Spotlight-on-BF-Music-DepartmentEven though school is winding down for the year, the music program at Ben Franklin is gearing up for performances and summer programs.

On May 5, the band ended their performance season with their Middle School Band Festival featuring a celebration of the music of Mexico. The orchestra students will present their Spring Concert tonight, May 11, 7:30pm in the VHS auditorium. This concert will include classics such as Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto and Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart, as well as contemporary pieces from Coldplay and Disney. The evening ends with an ice-cream social. The BF choir will travel to Strongbow Inn in May to sing for the Kiwanis Club. They will perform their Spring Concert on May 26, 7:00pm at BFMS. Everyone is invited to join us for these free concerts.

Band and orchestra have recently concluded recruitment of students for next year. The beginning band program is open to current 5th-grade students and there is still time to register for Beginning Summer Band. Please contact Miguel Rosario-Vega (mrosario@valpo.k12.in.us) at VHS for details. Current band students entering grades 7-9 can register for Middle School Summer Band by contacting Wayne Coil (wcoil@valpo.k12.in.us). Current 4th-grade students are encouraged to learn a string instrument this summer by attending Orchestra Summer Camp at BFMS, August 3-14, 10:15-11:15am. Please contact high school director Tim Kopf (tkopf@valpo.k12.in.us) for more information. Current middle school orchestra members can attend the intermediate class on the above dates from 9:00-10:00am. Students wishing to participate in middle school choir next year will have the opportunity to sign-up during the first weeks of school next fall.

Valparaiso students can choose to participate in orchestra, band, or choir. These music classes meet three times a week and students are challenged to learn multiple concepts. Sally Calland- BF Choir Director- says, “We not only work on singing technique and performance, but also on reading and writing rhythms and pitches. We introduce many styles of music and learn the history behind the music. Our goal is to help these students become intelligent, critical musicians.” Middle school music prepares the students for success in high school. Tim Kopf -VHS Orchestra Director – admits that, “We couldn’t have the strong music program that we do, without the solid training in middle school. It’s amazing how far the students come – from playing one-line pieces like “Hot Cross Buns” to performing unabridged Dvorak symphonies.”