Home»Business»Staff Development and Motivation»South Shore Leadership Center Board Members Receive Leadership Awards in Indy

South Shore Leadership Center Board Members Receive Leadership Awards in Indy

SSLC-Board-Members-Awards-01On Friday, June 13, two members of the South Shore Leadership Center’s Board of Directors were honored at the Indiana Leadership Association’s 2014 Awards Luncheon at the Indianapolis Museum of Art’s Garden Terrace.

Michael Griffin, Clerk-Treasurer for the Town of Highland, received the Distinguished Leader Award designed to recognize exceptional community leadership graduates who have made significant and notable contributions for the betterment of their communities. Jim Jessup, Facilitator and former Executive Director for Leadership LaPorte County, received the Marjorie Klinck Outstanding Leadership Award that recognizes and honors outstanding leadership in and for Indiana communities; Marjorie Klinck inspired and helped found the Indiana Leadership Association (ILA).

“We shined a positive light on Northwest Indiana today with the recognition of these two outstanding leaders,” stated Keith Kirpatrick, President & CEO of the SSLC.

To learn more about the South Shore Leadership Center, visit www.southshorelc.org.