Home»Entertainment»Shopping»Stalls Available for Valparaiso 1st UMC Rummage Sale

Stalls Available for Valparaiso 1st UMC Rummage Sale

cross-flameThe United Methodist Women Susannah Circle of Valparaiso First United Methodist Church is hosting a community Rummage Sale on June 16th, 2012, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. The sale will be held in 3 parking lots surrounding the church campus on the corners of Franklin and Chicago St. in downtown Valparaiso. Plan now to stop and shop!

UMW would like this to be a community event, so 225 square foot "Stall" spaces are available for rent to community members for $20. Residents interested in renting a space for the event should email valpoumcsusannahcircle@gmail.com for a reservation form.