Strack & Van Til raised $45,772.05 through their recent Checkout Challenge, providing essential funding for Meals on Wheels to serve seniors in need in northwest Indiana.
From March 29 to April 11, 2021, Strack & Van Til customers Rounded Up their purchase in support of Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana and the Visiting Nurse Association of Northwest Indiana’s Meals on Wheels program.

“Strack & Van Til customers continue to amaze us with their compassion and generosity,” said Jeff Strack, CEO of Strack & Van Til. “The health and well-being of people in the communities we serve is so important to everyone at Strack & Van Til, and we are thrilled that our customers gave so much to help our senior neighbors.”
“We are grateful to Strack & Van Til for their partnership and the patrons who rounded up their shopping,” said Sandra Noe, Executive Director of Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana. The Checkout Challenge helps Meals on Wheels meet the surge in demand during the pandemic and keep our commitment to deliver nutrition to seniors and others in need.”
During the coronavirus pandemic, Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana has expanded its services to meet the community need – free meals delivered to COVID patients discharged from area hospitals, healthy lunches for homeless people, take-home frozen meals for food-insecure families and individuals impacted by the pandemic, and home-delivering a week of meals to seniors no longer able to visit closed congregate meal sites.
Meals on Wheels of Northwest Indiana, with a headquarters and regional commercial kitchen in Merrillville, prepares and delivers 1,600 nutritional meals daily to people in need serving Lake, Porter, Newton, and Jasper counties, and has delivered more than 8 million meals since 1977.
The VNA of NWI is headquartered in Valparaiso, delivering 250 meals daily in Porter County. “Strack & Van Til and their customers time and time again help provide for those in need in our community through the Checkout Challenge. We appreciate their support for VNA Meals on Wheels of Porter County,” said Bob Franko, President and CEO of the VNA of NWI. “The funds donated will help VNA of NWI continue to provide hot, nutritious meals and the warm smile of a volunteer driver to isolated seniors and others not able to shop for and prepare meals themselves.”
To register for meals, volunteer, or support Meals on Wheels, visit or