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Study Table Supports the Needs of Ben Franklin Students

Ben-Franklin-Middle-SchoolThe rigors of middle school require much work to be done by students outside of class. An initiative at Benjamin Franklin Middle School this year provides assistance outside of the normal school day. Ben Franklin teachers are hosting a before and after school study table in the media center open to all students. Teachers have traditionally hosted individual office hours in their own classrooms before or after school. This model was underutilized by students. Now a team of teachers are centrally located for student assistance. On any given day most core subject areas of math, science, social studies and language arts teachers can all be found eagerly waiting to assist all students within the confines of the school media center.

The before school study table opens as students enter the building from their buses. Many students are taking advantage of this time to get assistance on those few homework problems that stumped them the night before or that last minute review of a key concept prior to the quiz or test later that day. Students report that having teachers available each morning makes it easy to feel confident about that last minute reassurance that they have successfully completed the necessary task. The teachers find it refreshing that students are taking ownership for their learning by seeking assistance and advocating for themselves.

The after school study table is by far the most popular resource to date as any given afternoon 15-20 students are taking advantage of the academic support and quiet environment to get their work done before going home. Students are using this time to work with a partner, to make up missed assignments or assessments, and access school technology devices. Teachers are also allowing students to make up missed work during this time under the watchful eye and eager assistance of their colleagues. Many students who have been absent find it easier to take advantage of the afterschool time to make up missed work rather than attempt to jam it into their school day. We applaud those students for their commitment to doing their best each and every day. Recently a student asked to stay a bit longer to complete a writing project on a Friday evening so they did not have to complete it over the weekend at home. When was the last time you heard a middle school kid ask to stay late on a Friday to do homework?

In order to make study table accessible to all, transportation is provided via a late bus service for these students at the conclusion of the forty-five minute session making it easier on families. We anticipate the participation rate will continue to grow as more students and families become familiar with study table. As we begin implementing online learning management tools and move closer to a one-to-one initiative, obviously the teaching and learning experience will extend beyond the school walls. Study table will continue to serve as additional time for the essential face-to-face contact with a teacher that is invaluable.