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Superheroes: Super Fly in 3-D!

On Friday, April 20th and Saturday, April 21th, at 7:00 PM, the Valparaiso High School Drama Club will be preforming something out of this world. Is it a plane? No! Purple people eaters? No! It's Captain Valparaiso and the Super Teens! The gang is flying in to save the day from none other than himself, Mr. Dr. Professor Bad Guy and his Super Villains! Can the Super Teens save the day or will the Super Villains live to rule the school and have control over Valparaiso? Come see this play within a talent show, featuring many of VHS's talented students. There is a variety of dancing, singing, musical instruments, and some outrageously hilarious costumes!

Buying a ticket for $10.00 is the only way to find out who will win! You can purchase your tickets during VHS lunch hours on Tuesday-Friday (if a student), at Blythe's Sporting Goods, or at the door before either of the performances.

"My third year is turning out to be probably our best show!" says director Michele Craig. "It's SUPER fun and lots of SUPER talent! April Antics is my favorite part of my job...to see so many talented kids in the school. It's really a time for them to shine!"

Come on out and support your students and the Valparaiso High School Drama Club!

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