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Support the VHS Band at the 55th Annual VHS Band Ham Dinner on November 9

Band makes going to school, everyday, worthwhile. We love what we do. Band has definitely shaped me into the person I am now and who I will become. There is never a dull moment in the band room. From marching season to concert season, we are always walking out of the classroom with something new and smiles on our faces. Our band instructors are like family. Mr. Rosario and Mr. Pritchett always have something positive to say about each one of us.

I remember one day in class, Mr. Pritchett said something that stuck out to me. He said that we, his band students, make coming to work everyday enjoyable for him. It is a great feeling to know that you make someone's day just a little bit brighter.

Within a band, every member is important. Without one person, it could throw everything off balance. I suppose this is why I have stuck with it for so long. Who does not enjoy the feeling of being included? Band makes me feel as if I am apart of something important...something that truly matters. Constantly, our teachers say the band room should be a place where we feel safe, especially when we are struggling or having a bad day.

Every year we hold a contest during the last home football game before Halloween for who can come up with the most creative costume. The winner are chosen by loudest cheer from the band, before we march down to the football field. It is a fun way to bring out our creativity.

I do not think many people realize how much hard work and effort is put into everything that we do. Our largest fundraiser each year is the Annual Ham Dinner. The proceeds from this event help to pay for many things. For example, transportation to events, accompanists, new instruments, competition fees, etc.

Come out and support the band on Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 in the Valparaiso High School Cafeteria. If you'd like to sit down and enjoy your meal, the Dine-In time is from 4:30-7:30 pm. Carry-Out will be from 4:00-7:00 pm. Tickets are $7.50 each. Mr. Rosario says, "Buy tickets, please! It's fun and the food is great!"

Ticket info: (219) 531-3070 ex 5368 or visit www.valpo.k12.in.us/band.