Methodist Hospitals is partnering with Community Healthcare System and Franciscan Alliance on a project to better understand the barriers to good health that exist in the Northwest Indiana communities we serve.
An important part of this project is eliciting the opinions and feedback from people like you - the people we are here to serve in Northwest Indiana. Please help us by completing a brief, confidential online survey about your experiences with health care. Your insights will help our hospitals to plan ways to better serve you, your family, your friends and your neighbors.
The Community Health Needs Assessment survey will take only about 15 minutes. Your responses are confidential and will be combined with the responses of others. You will not be identified by name, and no one will see your individual responses.
Click here to take the Community Health Needs Assessment Survey.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important survey. Your input will help us improve the programs and services we offer, and ultimately promote greater health and wellness in Northwest Indiana.