Home»Community»Serving»The Delta Theta Tau Philanthropic Sorority Announces 2016 Calendar Project

The Delta Theta Tau Philanthropic Sorority Announces 2016 Calendar Project

Delta_Theta_Tau_Calendar-1The Delta Theta Tau philanthropic sorority is pleased to announce that it’s kicked off its annual calendar project to raise funds for non-profit organizations within the community. An important part of the fundraising effort is the Roll of Honor Call Out. The Roll of Honor consists of businesses, organizations, patrons or members who purchase ten or more Delta Date Data Calendars. Ten calendars cost $50 and the purchaser’s name will be listed on the inside front cover of this year’s calendar.

The calendar lists activities and events of interest to Porter County residents, including Valparaiso High School, Valparaiso University and other sporting events, holidays, school closings, civic and charity events, plays, musicals, concerts and other planned events. In addition, the calendar lists phone numbers and contact information for local non-profits, civic groups, health and human services and many more useful contacts. The calendars are $5 each.

Delta Theta Tau is a national women’s philanthropic organization with 109 chapters and 53 alumnae associations throughout the United States. The Tau Chapter of DTT in Valparaiso has received the highest National honor award entitled “Golden Hands” for the past 11 years. This award is granted to the chapter generating and distributing the highest amount of philanthropic dollars that were distributed to Opportunity Enterprises, St. Agnes Adult Day Service Center, Hilltop House, Family House, Valparaiso YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County and other Porter County non-profit organizations.

If you are interested in being in the Roll of Honor, please call Laurie Rice at 219-916-5878.. If you’d like to learn more about a membership in Delta Theta Tau, please email valparaisodeltas@gmail.com and Like us on Facebook at Delta Theta Tau - Valparaiso Chapter.