Home»Community»Education»The Link from St. Paul, April 24, 2014

The Link from St. Paul, April 24, 2014

st-paulOnce again, our school has been awarded, by the state of Indiana a 4 Star School rating for the past school year. This honor is bestowed on schools that are in the top 25th percentile of schools in three ISTEP-based categories from the previous school year, 2012-13. Of the approximate 2,700 public and private schools in Indiana, 311 met these criteria, including our own school and six others in the Diocese of Gary.

This honor is the result of dedicated faculty and staff working together to provide your children with a quality education steeped in Catholic tradition and beliefs. But you also play a crucial role! It is your commitment to your child’s educational welfare and your dedication to our common mission that enables us to fly the 4 Star School banner for another year. Thank you for your continued help and support in this most important endeavor that we share—the education of our children. We should all be exceptionally proud of this distinctive recognition.

 Click here to read the full issue of the April 24 Link.