Farewell 2013-2014 School Year!
We have had a whirlwind of activity this fourth quarter of school. When we had to tack on those snow days to our calendar, the fourth quarter looked like it would last a long, long time, but here we are at the end. All the teachers and staff have remarked how quickly it has passed and how busy we all have been.
We end the year on so many high notes: Being named a 4 Star School again Honoring our 8th graders and their academic achievements Raising over $4000 for the American Cancer Society Recognizing those who have fought cancer and won Receiving the news that our I-STEP scores were once again 95% and above Seeing our athletes acknowledged for their abilities to make us all Panther Proud Witnessing our kindergarten students preparing to “graduate” to first grade
All these took place only within the last three weeks, but they showcase the great happenings here at Saint Paul Catholic School. We are so fortunate to share in the lives of our students and their parents.
Thank you to everyone for helping to make this year a great one! We wish everyone a restful and blessed summer. We’ll see you in August.
Yearbooks Are In and Extra Copies for Sale— Natalia Cox The yearbooks have arrived and have been distributed this week to students who purchased them. If one book was ordered per family, it will be sent home with the oldest child. There is a limited supply of extra yearbooks available for purchase, first come, first served. The books cost $25 each and can be purchased through the school office. Checks should be made payable to SPCS (Saint Paul Catholic School).
Any questions, contact Natalia Cox via Fast Direct or 707-7253.
Moving Forward “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Another year draws to a close, and the Lord continues to determine the steps of all of us here at SPCS. We send our best wishes to Mrs. Missy Hernandez and her family as they embark on their next stage of life in a new home in Brownsburg, IN. Your new school, St. Malachy, is fortunate to have you, Missy! God Bless you all as you venture forth. Keep us posted, and know that we are all thinking of you.
We also say goodbye to Mrs. Hether Lytton as she returns to the world of high school students and takes on the challenge of coaching girls’ volleyball at Andrean with some English classes thrown into the mix! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us this year, and we are glad that you are staying in our Diocese. Perhaps instead of “goodbye”, it’s more like a “see you later”.
All our prayers go with Mrs. Kathleen Koenig as she takes on more responsibility at Good to Go in downtown Valpo. We are sure that with Kathleen’s tremendous people skills, she will be a major asset! We will all miss you here, and please stop in when you are able.
Thank you to Mrs. Graham for her great job as Mrs. Smith's maternity leave substitute. We are grateful for her "can-do" attitude.
We know we will be seeing you again in the fall, and we are happy for that!