Home»Entertainment»Arts»The More the Obstacles Fall Between Us: An Exhibition and Performance of the Welcome Project at the Porter County Museum

The More the Obstacles Fall Between Us: An Exhibition and Performance of the Welcome Project at the Porter County Museum

porter-county-museumAt the Welcome Project, co-directors Liz Wuerffel and Allison Schuette believe in the power of stories to make a difference, and with the help of Valparaiso University students, faculty and staff, they’ve been collecting stories in our region for four years. These stories illuminate at a personal level what it means to belong to a community--or not. In some cases, the stories are painful; in some, triumphant; in some, humorous; in some, touching. Through their exhibition at the Porter County Museum, Liz and Allison invite us into the intimate art of listening. Stories, after all, don’t become stories until they are heard. Come, take a seat, alone or with a friend, grab a set of headphones and give a listen.

On Sunday, April 27th, at 2 p.m., Liz and Allison also invite us into a deeper exploration of the central themes they’ve encountered while collecting stories and facilitating conversations both on campus and in the city. This hour-long dramatic performance will provide a feel for the methods of the Welcome Project, an appreciation for the complexity of living together in increasingly diverse communities, and a context for ongoing conversations with our neighbors.

In the coming month, stop by the Porter County Museum at 153 S. Franklin St. in Valparaiso to see the exhibition of the Welcome Project. Visit pocomuse.org to learn more about upcoming events. See you at the PoCo Muse!