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The Power of Caring In School Success

valpo-community-schoolsPresident Theodore Roosevelt advised, “Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care”. Nowhere is that more true than in the field of education. Schools increasingly feel the pressure to make sure students are prepared for the next level and that academic scores and graduation rates are rising. At the same time many students are disengaging from the process. While there is no quick fix to the dilemma, many successful schools are resisting the urge to focus solely on “test scores”. Rather, they intentionally focus on their students’ emotional and social needs which proves to set students in a position to show growth in character as well as in academics.

When students experience challenging social and emotional situations, teachers and school social workers play a central role in helping students not only cope, but eventually thrive. This is the case at Northview as well. For example, if a grade level has a number of students who have suffered a loss, such as a divorce or the death of a loved one, a small support group may be developed. Similarly, if friendships become strained or concerns of bullying surface, the social worker often works within small groups or grade levels to not only solve the immediate situation, but also to help students learn the tools to resolve similar situations in the future. The Northview Garden Club was born out of such small groups that eventually began beautifying the school grounds while learning practical life lessons.

Northview parents join the school in creating fun ways for students to feel connected and cared for through formal PTO activities as well as informal family and group activities. For example, adding to activities throughout the year, the PTO most recently created a special Hawaiian atmosphere during lunchtime to make attending school on a Saturday a happier experience. In addition, the Northview staff recently created a video to review test taking strategies and to make sure all students know we’re a team that cares and believes in them as they face the ISTEP+ testing.

As part of the circle of caring, students are encouraged to reach out and care for others as well. In addition to having “Buddy” classes in which students care for and build supportive relationships with each other, some students participate in clubs such as the K-Kids. This club, sponsored by the Sunrise Kiwanis, focuses on service projects and caring for others both in and out of the school. The Student Council initiates various caring projects as well, most recently raising over $1700 for the Riley Children’s Hospital.

Well planned and implemented lessons that come from a curriculum with high academic expectations are critically important. However, a greater impact is achieved when every child knows, every day, that the teachers and instructional assistants who teach those lessons also care deeply for them. Therein lies the power of connectedness and caring that Northview strives to build with its students to help them navigate through each school day experiencing academic success.