Home»Other»The Valparaiso Parks Department Uses Passionate Staff and Generous Donations to Create Community Based Programs

The Valparaiso Parks Department Uses Passionate Staff and Generous Donations to Create Community Based Programs

ValpoParksDonationThe Valparaiso Parks Department has one primary goal when it comes to the many sports and recreation programs they provide, their goal is to work as hard to ensure that everyone has a good and ultimately memorable time. From childhood to adulthood, the Valparaiso Parks department provides plenty of activities and programs for all ages.

"We work so you can play," says Adult Recreation Director Dan Lukes. "There's a lot that happens behind the scenes that people don't realize. The grass doesn't just get cut and lines don't just get painted, there's a lot of work that goes into it."

Lukes, along with his colleagues Recreation Superintendent Phil Blasko and Director of Development Donna Hannah, are tasked with ensuring that the recreation programs the parks sponsor are kept up to date with field maintenance, proper functioning facilities and equipment as well as making sure teams and events are organized. All three interact with over 6,000 children in youth programs and 4,500 adults in adult programs.

'The most important thing for me is that kids come in smiling and leave smiling," says Blasko. "If they aren't having a good time, we're missing the point."

Blasko also credits the youth programs, especially the youth sports programs being able to build those positive interactions with others and building on experiences that don't always involve the act of winning and victory.

"It's not always about winning and losing," says Blasko. "It's about the kids learning and building friendships and memories. There is so much pressure for kids to be great at such a young age, this allows them to just have fun and enjoy themselves."

Along with the multitude of programs available for children, Valpo Parks host plenty of adult programs as well.

"We are here for the kids and adults," says Lukes. "We're here to make sure that everyone has a good time. We offer everything from daycare to healthcare programs in addition to our sports teams, we've even had a couple get married on the softball field, people become invested here and want to actively be a part of it."

The reason behind the success of many available programs comes just as much from the community and their generous contributors and donators who help fund the different programs through donations of funds, volunteering services and other ways to donate resources.

"Teams need more sponsors for sure and we are always looking for a better way to meet and connect with other businesses," says Blasko. "There are so many great businesses here in Valpo, we simply do not have the time to meet them all, every day."

For the businesses who donated their time and funds, there are many reasons why they choose to donate to Valpo Parks. Despite there being a multitude of different reasons, each business shares one distinct factor behind their charity, each business believes in the programs provided by the parks and the benefits its brings to the entire community.

"Sometimes businesses want their name on the back of a jersey and some want to be able to establish business relationships with team members," says Lukes. "In some cases, they don't always care about selling a product, but rather believe in us enough to treat us as a product they want to back and give their support to."

"In terms of promotion, I always tell these businesses that your name is going to be promoted everywhere these team members go. From the supermarket and pretty much anywhere out in public, people are going to wear these shirts until they wear out and that's great publicity," says Blasko.

"People who support us are proud to be supporters of the park, From large to smaller businesses they want to be a part of this organization and no matter which way people choose to help, we always let them know that every little bit helps," says Hannah.

This love for the park and the programs they provide often extends through generations, with stories of families and businesses providing donations to help fund teams and programs their grandchildren are a part of, and wanting to stay connected to something that has been a significant and positive part of their lives.

"One of the things I remember the most was during the time one soccer member was injured," says Lukes. "He couldn't play anymore but wanted to watch his wife play, but couldn't follow the score. One day he approached us and said he wanted to buy a new scoreboard, and in the end, the new functioning scoreboard was all because of his donation."

The Valparaiso Parks Foundation is able to function and serve the community as a team effort of people who love their jobs working the parks foundation and the generous donations of the community. It truly takes a community effort from all people and all businesses to make things great and through these combined efforts.

For the members who work with these programs, it truly is a labor of love and one where the fruits of their labor get to be seen and shared every day.

"For me when you have little kids come up to in places like Walmart and gives me a high 5, they realize that you are the reason they come to practice and you are the reason they are having fun," says Blasko.

"I like that we are offering the opportunity to for children to be part of outdoor opportunities again," says Hannah. "To have them be a part of nature and get away from technology is a great thing."

"I've coached people who I have then hired to work here and some who I have seen at their college open houses, weddings and seeing them start families of their own," says Lukes. "Whether the relationship is with a child or adult, there's a sense of pride seeing someone's life pass by and being a part of it."

To provide donations or volunteer service to the Valparaiso Parks Foundation, please contact Director of Development Donna Hannah at (219) 405-5388 or dhannah@valpo.us