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Theater Manager Runs the Race of a Lifetime

Kevin-Morgan-MarathonKevin Morgan, Manager at Portage 16 IMAX, ran the Chicago Marathon in October with the Midwest Nazarene Marathon runners, raising funds for Team World Vision.

This was an awesome experience that I never would have even considered a year ago. Now I can say that I am a marathon finisher with a time of 5:11:35 in one of the World’s Top Seven Marathon’s (I heard that a lot on race day). With all of your support, my final tally for funds raised was $1800. Thank you all for the support!

It’s too soon to decide if I will be repeating this again next year but I was wise enough to sign up for the Disney World in Marathon in January a few months back. Nothing like a goal to keep the momentum going. After that, I think half marathons are the way to go for me. Who knows what the next year has in store?

Thank you all again for your support.