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Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Participates in 2015 Holiday Community Service Project

Thomas-Jefferson-Elementary-School-Participates-in-2015-Holiday-Community-Service-ProjectWhat is service? One definition is an action done to help someone or something. For the month of December students at Thomas Jefferson Elementary have been studying and displaying acts of service. Visiting local nursing homes is one of many community services that students at Thomas Jefferson Elementary participate in annually. On Thursday December 17th, three hundred children and around fifty staff members set out to spread holiday cheer through song to eight local nursing homes. Holiday songs were performed and each resident received a personalized candy dish from a child. As you can see in the pictures above children proudly belted out holiday favorites such as Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Silent Night. Happiness was evident on the faces of all.

At Thomas Jefferson Elementary children from the age five up to twelve are learning that they can set an example for all by creating a more positive, friendly world. Giving is actually better then receiving. Service is quite frankly making the difference in the lives of others. We at Thomas Jefferson would like anyone to reading this article to pay it forward by showing acts of kindness this holiday season to at least three different people. This holiday season the students and staff at TJE would like to invite you to get in the spirit of giving without the thought of receiving.