Time To Give Thanks

Hello all you wonderful ValpoLife readers!

I'm the video guy here at ValpoLife and I was asked to start blogging and share my interesting thoughts with the readers so how could I possibly refuse?

So I thought I should I write about my favorite holiday: THANKSGIVING! A time to give thanks for all the wonderful things in my life while playing football, stuffing my face with turkey, getting the meat sweats, watching football, eating pie, watching more football and later on going to a movie theater and watching a movie with all my friends who've come back into town.

There are so many great things about this Holiday weekend. Many of us get a 4 day weekend to catch up on all the TV we've been missing from being busy little bees. Here's a couple of the marathons going on:

Syfy - James Bond Marathon
History Channel - Ice Road Truckers Marathon
A&E - Criminal Minds Marathon
GSN - Deal or No Deal Marathon
DSC - Dirty Jobs Marathon
TLC - Say Yes To The Dress Marathon

AND...when the Say Yes To The Dress Marathon is over its a What Not To Wear Marathon which, I'm not going to lie, is a huge guilty pleasure of mine because I like to think that any day now Clinton and Stacy are going to knock on my door and ask me why I'm still wearing this pizza sauce stained shirt. Well, we all can't afford to shop at Macy's and you can't buy a shirt there that tastes like pizza. At least I don't think so. I'll have to look into that. Because that would make a great Christmas present.

And then, when thanksgiving is over, you get to start putting up the lights, wreaths, and a Christmas tree and soak up the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. And I get to play Christmas music in my car even though my friends don't seem to like it. But those scrooges will have the Christmas pumped into them if it kills me.

But now I'm getting off track...where was I? Ahh yes...