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TJ Students Spell Their Way to Success!

The TJ Spell Bowl team has once again brought home the Class 2 State Championship banner! At the meet held Saturday, November 13, at Purdue University, the team spelled 70 of 72 words correctly, missing only 'fallibility' and 'insincerity' on our climb to the top of the scoreboard. TJ-Spell-Bowl-2010

The team practices daily from 7:20 to 7:35 am, beginning in late August. The team is comprised of 26 students from all 3 grade levels. The state qualifying team consisted of 1 8th grader, 4 7th graders, and 3 6th graders.

8 students are able to spell in a competition. The top 8 scores at the time of the meet are the spellers for that meet. The team makeup can change with each meet. Scores are erased and students start with a clean slate, hoping to earn their way onto the competition team during the next round of tabulation.

This year's team roster is as follows:

  • Claire Bartusch

  • Kathryn Berger

  • Ankur Dhoot *

  • Brigitte Frazee

  • Meagan Hale

  • Maddie Hathoot*

  • Timothy Henderson* (Team Captain)

  • Reggie Hopton

  • Katie Janoski

  • Brianna Johnson

  • Rayna Johnson

  • Brian Karr*

  • Zoe Krenz

  • Jacob Mills

  • Jonathan Poholarz

  • Emily Poncher

  • Olivia Rosario*

  • Malika Saxena

  • Marybeth Scheibel*

  • Blake Schroeder

  • Madeline Shepley

  • Allison Skadberg

  • Alena Tonne*

  • Jane Tullis*

  • Kate White

  • *=spelled in the state meet

Some of the past meets included:

  • Willowcreek Invitational at Willowcreek Middle School - first place with 67 out of 72 words spelled correctly
  • Area meet at North Judson on October 26 - spelled 69 of 72 words correctly

The team is ranked a Class 2 team based on school enrollment. 721 students would qualify them for Class 1. They have been State Champions in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009 and now 2010!

Back row: Jane Tullis, Jonathan Poholarz,  Brianna Johnson, Jacob Mills, Blake Schroeder, Brian Karr, Alena Tonne
Third row: Jane Strayer (Coach), Marybeth Scheibel, Madeline Shepley, Kathryn Berger, Timothy Henderson, Reggie Hopton, Karl Keller (Coach)
Second row: Meagan Hale, Katie Janoski, Ankur Dhoot, Kate White, Olivia Rosario, Malika Saxena, Paul C. Knauff (Principal)
Front row: Emily Poncher, Brigitte Frazee, Claire Bartusch, Maddie Hathoot, Rayna Johnson, Allison Skadberg, Zoe Krenz