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Top 5 Health Videos on ValpoLife for 2011

At ValpoLife, we have so many videos laying around from all the good stuff we report on, we thought we'd bring a few back around for an encore. This time around, we have some of our best videos (but not all!) related to you and your health in your community. We got some really great footage with Biggest Loser contestants, Marci and Courtney, as well as some great news out of Porter Health.




Mother and Daughter Inspire Others With Biggest Loser Story

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All mothers want their daughters to grow up happy, healthy and successful and that was exactly Marci Crozier's intent for her daughter and current participant in the hit TV show, The Biggest Loser. Marci and her daughter, Courtney, as well as another show contestant from Portland, Oregon, Arthur, had a sort of motivational walk scheduled at Dairy Queen on N. Calumet on the evening of March 29, 2011. Hundreds of people gathered out in the parking lot to get pictures with the recent celebrities and to express their gratitude in the inspiration that they have felt from Marci, Courtney, and Arthur on the show.


Biggest Loser Contestants: Marci and Courtney Crozier Share Their Story - Part I

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Part I of the inspiring series from the Valpo locals, Marci and Courtney Crozier who were contestants on the 11th Season of the hit NBC show, The Biggest Loser.

Marci and Courtney tell their story and journey, which started far before The Ranch


Biggest Loser Contestants: Marcy and Courtney Crozier Share Their Story - Part 2

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Season 11 contestants from the hit NBC show, The Biggest Loswer, Marci and Courtney Crozier talk about their experiences on the ranch as well as life after the show, with this inspiring video series!


Porter Brings Innovation Through Evidence-Based Practices

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Co-sponsoredby Porter Health System and Ivy Tech Community College, an Innovator's Cafe event was held at Porter Health System on Thursday, September 23, 2010 to highlight Porter's successful model of combining evidence-based practices with strong leadership in order to bring about and maintain innovation in the workplace. President of the Porter County Community Foundation, Barb Young, opened up the cafe along with J. Guadalupe Valtierra, Chancellor of Ivy Tech Community College, who gave brief remarks before CEO of Porter Health System, Jonathan Nalli, began his presentation.


Porter Health Presents Graham Kerr, The "Galloping Gourmet"

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To celebrate American Heart Month, Porter Health hosted Graham Kerr, internationally known culinary and televison personality, as their keynote speaker. Kerr, known as the "Galloping Gourmet" from his TV persona, was once called the "Most Dangerous Man in America" by the Heart and Stroke Foundation due to his high fat, high calorie recipes featured on his influential cooking program before he started making food that minimizes risk but maximizes flavor.