On Wednesday the hubs and I were invited to tour the Subaru of Indiana Automotive factory, we jumped at the opportunity! As you may know we are Subaru enthusiasts through and through.
How awesome it was to see a car factory in person! All I kept thinking was how it reminded me of the short video I saw in my childhood, about robots, and all the things they can do for us now- including help build cars.
After the short tornado warning (where we had to gather in the hall with all the employees until the alarms stopped), we headed into the paint shop and the production line. Literally, sparks flew as we watched the workers manage about four robots at a time, at each station adding a few raw materials and then hitting a button for the robot to take over. Everyone working really did seem happy. And, I learned it's a non-union plant.
Each day they make about 800 cars! In addition to the Subaru Legacy, Tribecca, and Outback, SIA also produces the Toyota Camry! I learned that the Subaru Tribeca, which goes for about 40K here (fully loaded) sells for about 100K in Russia, where they are very popular! 100K American dollars! He said they have luxury status over there, similar to BMV and Mercedes here.
And after riding in the 2010 models, I can see why! They bussed us to the 2nd largest car track in Indiana- their 'test track' where they drove us around in the 2010 Legacy GT and the 2010 Outback. They had us in the car while they tested the controls as we went into a slide/skid on a track material that's more slippery than ice, (not to mention way fun) and on steep inclines where they showed us the new "hill hugger" feature.
Subaru makes the safest cars on the road. All wheel drive is standard. At the factory, I read letter an 80 year old lady sent them. She had been driving her Outback when she somehow got sucked up into a tornado. It threw her over 40 feet. She managed to walk away with only bumps and bruises but realized it was time to buy a new car as hers was totaled from the tornado. She researched all kinds of new cars, and guess what she ended up going with- another Outback.
Two more facts I learned while there:
- The average car owner keeps their car for 3 - 4 years before trading it or buying a new one. Subaru owners on average keep their cars 7 years before shopping again.
- After 10 years, 95% of Subarus are still on the road. This is better than all other car makes, which means there are more older Subarus than any other make! This is the reason why they continue making parts for models for 15 years, rather than the standard 10 years the other companies make them for.
SIA was the first zero landfill car manufacturing plant in the country. In addition to following the Japanese business methodology where everyone having their names embroidered into their shirts they also believe in the importance of asking the associates for input on how to be better. With that, they were able to reduce reuse and recycle until not only they were composting on site, but they were saving millions by reusing packaging and were declared a Backyard Wildlife Habitat (where you can even sometimes see American Eagles) by the National Wildlife Federation!
SIA is not only great because of the example they lead in how to be a clean factory, but because they employ over 2,700 Hoosiers. I bet some of them commute from Valpo. And they're doing well even though times are tough! Subaru broke sales records this August. In conclusion, all I have to say is one thing- LOVE.