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United Way of Porter County Bowls For Reading Buddies

United Way of Porter County Bowls For Reading Buddies

When it comes to non-profits in the Region, few are quite as expansive and diverse as the United Way of Porter County. With a variety of programs, events, initiatives, and organizations, United Way helps to lead, unite, and inspire all around Porter County. On Friday, the organization hosted their Bowling Night and Reading Buddy Drive, where they raised funds and collected stuffed animals for their Reading Buddy program.

United Way of Porter County’s Reading Buddy Program is an initiative to improve literacy across Northwest Indiana. “Reading Buddies” are stuffed animals donated to 1st and 2nd grade students to read to. Along with strong classroom learning, the Reading Buddies help motivate students to read and improve their literacy skills. Each year, the program collects nearly 4,000 stuffed animals that go to students in classrooms throughout the Region.

“They’re there to encourage the kids to read to their buddies,” said Ahna Dunn, Chair of United Way of Porter County’s Young Leaders United. “It helps with reading development and efficiency, and they can read to their Buddies at school, home, or wherever which encourages them to read more frequently.”

The Bowling Night and Reading Buddy Drive are the brainchildren of the Young Leaders United; it gave them a chance to relax, network, raise funds, and contribute to a fantastic cause all at once. It brought together volunteers, Young Leader members, and family and supporters of United Way from all around Northwest Indiana, like HealthLinc Community Health Centers.

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“The United Way unites people from the community around those who need assistance,” said Beth Wrobel, CEO of HealthLinc and board member of United Way of Porter County. “Seeing young people get involved is really important, and that’s why I’m here as part of the board to say thank you. Something like this helps bring people who care about others together at a young age.”

Inman’s Bowling & Recreation Center of Valparaiso donated half of all registration fees for the event back to United Way, and attendees collected more than 40 Reading Buddies for kids in the program. People of all ages, from grandkids to grandparents, took turns getting strikes and spares.

“This is something fun to do in the winter since we can’t really be outside,” said Rebecca Weber, United Way of Porter County’s Volunteer Engagement Manager. “It’s our way to get together, network, have some fun, but have a charitable event. It gets our board members, young professionals, and community members all out together and getting to know each other as well as what we’re trying to accomplish for the community!”

Knocking down pins at Inman’s with their community and collecting Reading Buddies for students are just a couple of the ways the United Way of Porter County works to improve the education, income, and health of people across the Region. To learn more, visit www.unitedwaypc.org.