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United Way of Porter County FAFSA Fridays Helps High School Seniors Ready for College

United-Way-Porter-County United Way of Porter County has partnered with three community partners to provide free FAFSA filing services.

Known as FAFSA Fridays, the program offers services at two Porter County locations on the second Friday of each month between now and April 12, 2019.

“College-bound family sometimes find it hard to navigate the paperwork necessary to start the college experience right,” said Kim Olesker, president & CEO of United Way of Porter County. “By offering this connection service, we hope to make the process easier for everyone.”

This opportunity is available to all who need assistance filing their college financial aid paperwork. Participation is by appointment only. Participants should bring a hard copy of their most recent income tax information, W2, student's social security number, and FSA ID and password with them to the appointment.

The program is made possible through a partnership with Valparaiso University, Neighbors’ Educational Opportunities and Indiana Tech College.

Appointments are approximately 30 minutes long and available from 2 to 4 p.m. with the last appointment being at 3:30 p.m. Program locations are United Way of Porter County in Valparaiso and Neighbors’ Educational Opportunities in Portage. For more information about FAFSA Fridays and to make an appointment, visit UnitedWayPC.org/FAFSA.