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Upcoming October Events at BridgePoint

Join us for a Family Fall Fiesta on Saturday, October 16th from 4-7 p.m. at the home of John & Regina Kipper (929 N 150 W Chesterton, IN 46304)! The family fun includes a big inflatable play area for kids, hog roast, cornhole (beanbag toss), bonfire, hay ride and more! Please plan to bring a side dish or a dessert and chairs if you are able. For you outdoor game enthusiasts, feel free to bring your favorite games to share. Sign up online. fallfiesta

Getting Acquainted Sunday October 24th 4-7 p.m.

Join Pastor Jeff Cagwin for an afternoon of getting acquainted and discovering what BridgePoint Church is all about. This session is required if you are interested in becoming a member of BridgePoint, but is open to all interested in learning more about who we are and what we do. Pizza dinner is included. Sign up online .

500 Turkeys! 500-Turkeys

We are participating in a drive to provide 500 Turkey dinners to local families in need. Our mission as a church is to gather 500 jars, cans or packages of gravy by October 31st!. Please consider picking up some gravy this week; donations will be collected in the back of the worship center. Questions? Contact Tammy Vogel at (219)464-4692 or visit www.500Turkeys.com.