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Valparaiso AAUW Members Selling Wreaths to Benefit Scholarships for Women

AAUW-WreathsHoliday wreaths made at a local farm from fresh scotch pine are raising funds for scholarships and other educational programs. Members of the Valparaiso Branch of AAUW (American Association of University Women) are taking orders until November 14. Wreaths are suitable for outdoor and indoor holiday decor, or for use on a loved one's grave.

Swags (36 inches) are $20, and wreath prices are: 20 inch -$16, 24 inch -$21, 32 inch- $26, and 44 inch- $36, and all are trimmed with pinecones and bright red bows. Wreaths will be delivered the week of Thanksgiving (Nov. 24-30).

To order or for more information call (219)462-9709, or contact any member.

AAUW is a national organization that promotes equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. Each year, the Valparaiso Branch awards one or more scholarships to Porter County women. The 2014 application process will be announced in February. AAUW's scholarship fund is administered through the Porter County Community Foundation.