Home»Entertainment»TV, Music, and Movies»Valparaiso Band Parent Association Announces VHS Alumni Band and Jazz Bands

Valparaiso Band Parent Association Announces VHS Alumni Band and Jazz Bands

valpo-community-schoolsIn celebration of music, and in honor of the retirement (after 38 years) of VHS Director of Bands, Daniel R. Pritchett, the Valparaiso Band Parent Association is pleased to announce the Valparaiso Alumni Band and Jazz Bands. Alumni and current VHS students and friends will gather for a weekend of rehearsals and performances this summer. We anticipate former members from all over the country! The bands will all rehearse and perform concerts on the weekend of July 5-7, 2013.

Here is the tentative schedule for that weekend:

FRIDAY, JULY 5: The Jazz Bands (probably two) will rehearse. (We will divide the bands equally.)
6:30-8:00"Green" Band
8:00-9:30 "White" Band

9:00-11:30 am Full Concert Band Rehearsal
11:45-1:00 pm Picnic Lunch (hamburgers and hot dogs provided; please bring a dish to share)
2:00-3:00 pm Full Concert Band Rehearsal (if needed....)

1:30 pm - Full Concert Band gathers for a short rehearsal
2:30 PM - ALUMNI CONCERT BAND CONCERT - scheduled for the VHS Auditorium
5:30 PM - Reception at Aberdeen Manor for all participants ($15.00 to help cover the cost of the hall and hors d'voures)

The group has already been forming on Facebook, under the group "Valparaiso Alumni Band." Please go to Facebook, look it up and sign up to join us! If you do not have a Facebook account but you would like to participate or know someone who would, please go ahead and contact Mr. Pritchett at the following email: dpritchett@valpo.k12.in.us or call at him at 219-477-6873 and leave a message. Even if you have not played for awhile, you are welcome to join us. We are looking forward to a great weekend!