Home»Community»Family»Valparaiso First United Methodist Church Hosts Free Marriage Workshop

Valparaiso First United Methodist Church Hosts Free Marriage Workshop

Free_Marriage_WorkshopFirst United Methodist Church of Valparaiso, 103 Franklin Street in Valparaiso, IN (corner of Franklin & Jefferson Streets) is thrilled to be able to provide a FREE "Love to Stay Workshop" for couples in the Valparaiso community. The workshop will be held on Sundays from 10:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon on March 1, 8, 15, 29 and April 12 & 19. Each of the six sessions will include discussion and a video.

This workshop will be led by Lawrence "Larry" Pincus, Ed.S., LCSW, LMFT, LAC. Larry, president of Lawrence Pincus & Associates, Inc., has practiced as a marriage and family therapist for over thirty-five years, mostly in private practice.

More information and registration for this workshop is available at http://www.valpofumc.org/life-resources/love-to-stay-workshop.