Congratulations to the VHS Science Olympiad team on receiving the 5th place trophy at the recent Indiana State competition. The season started last fall with a practice schedule of 11 hours per week culminating in competitions with the first tournament held in January. Regional competitions were held in February to determine which teams advanced to the state level. VHS joined high schools from all over the state on April 2nd at Purdue University Calumet in Hammond to compete for a chance to represent their state at the National Science Olympiad. VHS took 9 medals in advancement competition and had more 1st place finishes than any other high school team with 5 Gold medals out of the 23 events counted toward team advancement. They also garnered a 6th gold medal in one of the 3 trial events. The VHS team lead by coaches Jim Young and Kristen Schafer included 15 students on the competition team; Mike Dalton, Cameron Heskett, Alyx Smick, Katalin Hartman, Sam Johnson, Josh Bartusch, Tim Czekaj, Hayley Williams, Irena Hozo, Cameron Snapp, Ava Tan, Mason Lee, Rachel Mathews, Gabriel Hinding, and Adam Alamillo plus the 4 alternates Bennett Sanders, Adam Studebaker, Steven Byers, and Emma Kurt.