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Valparaiso Junior Basketball Program

The 18th Annual Valparaiso Junior Basketball Program will take place at the Boys & Girls Club in Valparaiso.basketball Boys & Girls entering 3rd grade to entering 6th grade are eligible to enroll in this 8 week instructional program. Boys will meet on Mon & Wed nights from 7-8:30 pm and Girls will meet on Tues & Thurs nights from 7-8:30 pm. The specific instructional program runs from June 7-July 29. Enrollment fee is $50 which includes a basketball and t-shirt. It is designed to teach basic basketball fundamentals.

Interested individuals can pick up registration flyers at Blythes Sport Shop and at the Boys & Girls Club of Valparaiso. If you have any questions please contact Lenny Corso at lennyc@comcast.net or ph. 477-5300.

Registration deadline is May 25th.