2013 Spirit Sprint 1 & 2 mile Fun Run and 500 M Lil’ Boo hosted by the Valparaiso Swim Club
VSC will be hosting their annual Spirit Sprint for kids aged 14 and under. We are also introducing a new event, Lil’ Boo 500 M, for kids 6 and under. All entrants will receive a finishing award and age group awards for the top runners in the 1 & 2 Mile events.
The run will take place on October 12th at Rogers Lakewood Park. Check-in will be from 7:30-8:30 am and the first race will begin at 9 am.
Registration is $15 for each runner and includes Run, T-Shirt and Refreshments. (Shirt is guaranteed for registrations submitted by Sept. 27th.)
For more information, please go to www.valparaisoswimclub.com, call 219-531-1998 or email the race director at widmatten@frontier.com.