The Valpo Parks Friends and Legends was held at the Butterfield Family Pavilion on Thursday, October 5.
Kevin Nuppnau, director of the Valpo Parks Foundation, considers this one of his favorite events to be a part of.
“It’s a special event because we’re able to recognize leaders in the community that have given back to the Valpo Parks Foundation,” Nuppnau said. “It’s always exciting to reconnect with a lot of people and praise all of the nominees.”
This year’s reception honored three special individuals in the organization.
Matt Evans was named the winner of the Community Champion Award. The honor serves to spotlight someone who demonstrates leadership and stewardship in the Valpo Parks Foundation.
“I’m truly blown away by receiving this award,” Evans said. “To me, this award transcends the individual and speaks more to the way a person was raised. I couldn’t have done this without such a supportive family.”
Tim Warner received recognition as the winner of the Legendary Friend Award.
“I was surprised to hear I was receiving this award,” Warner said. “When I chose to volunteer for the foundation, it was with the idea that I could help to make a difference. As a Rotary Club member, I try to embrace the motto of service above self. Valparaiso is a wonderful place and I love everything about this community.”
The final award winner was John Seibert, who was honored as the winner of the Art & Irene Malasto Legends Award. This achievement is presented to give recognition and appreciation to someone who has supported the Valpo Parks Foundation in a significant way through service and leadership.
Seibert served as the director of the foundation for 34 years before he retired in July. He remembers working with Art Malasto, whom the award is named after and believes there’s something to be said about the legacy he left on people such as Seibert.
“When we talk about the community and trying to pass a torch, it’s important that we continue to encourage one another,” Seibert said. “The humility and the encouragement that he showed is something that I never forgot and became a lesson for me to emulate.”
Tim VerSchure, board president of the Valpo Parks Foundation, is adamant that these three winners showed exceptional qualities of a champion on their road to recognition.
“I’ve had the privilege to see firsthand the contributions that each of these guys have made on our parks,” VerSchure said. “Each one of them is deserving of their recognition for continuously putting in the work to support the foundation.”
This ceremony has taken place every year since 2009. Mayor Matt Murphy addresses the initiative of different generations coming together in the community to help Valparaiso put together successful projects and celebrate them.
“I’m grateful for all the partnerships that make what we do possible,” Murphy said. “The support of our leadership team and the bold visions for the Valpo Parks Foundation is what makes Valparaiso such a great place.”
The Valpo Parks Foundation’s latest initiative has been the skatepark at Fairgrounds Park. The anticipation is that the ribbon cutting to open it will come in early November.
For more information about the Valpo Parks Foundation, you can visit their website.