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VHS Art Students to Showcase Talent

VHS-Honors-Art-Show-2010The 2011 VHS Honors Art Show displays this Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15, from 6-8 pm each evening. Everyone is invited to celebrate the accomplishments of the students in the upper gymnasiums of VHS. It is a very festive time, with appetizers being made and served by the Foods class, directed by instructor Deb Shafer.

Fifty-seven students will be displaying their artwork in spaces that they design in the 20th annual honors art show. The art show and honors art classes are taught by Marilyn Hanson.


Everyone helps make this event a success year after year, from the art department, VHS staff, athletic department, administration, parents and students. Come join us in celebrating these talented students!

Click here to see photos from last year's show!