Mark your calendars!!!!
VHS Class of 1975
35th Year Reunion
It’s that time again, when we dust off all those memories from our High School days and get ready to re-reconnect with our past. This time we are doing things a little different. We will be sponsoring only one night which is scheduled for: Saturday July 31, 2010, from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM at: Casa Del Roma Banquet & Conference Center, 712 Calumet AV Valparaiso, IN 46383 219-465-0478
6:00 PM Cocktails *(Cash Bar) 7:00 PM Buffet Dinner
Cost $40.00 per person which includes *two drinks.
$45.00 per person after June 1, 2010 also includes *two drinks.
Reunion Hosting Committee:
Mail Payments to:
Dawn (Naillieux) Franko
803 Audubon Dr
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Mona (Shearhod) Bretz 219-464-0378
Diane (Saunders) Clemens 219-733-9457
Steve Coates 219-464-3168
Rob Gee 219-510-5716
Kurt Peck Website Coordinator 951-303-0935
Fern Wade 219-733-2737
Mike Vass passed away 01-24-10
Class Website:
Click here for the RSVP form