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VHS Fall Athletes Honored at Awards Ceremony

On November 21, 2011, Valparaiso High School held their annual Fall Sports Awards Ceremony. Athletic Director Mark Hoffman welcomed the players and families of players to begin the evening presentation.

Hoffman first introduced boys cross country coach Mike Prow, and Ari Coulopoulos was awarded with the 2011 MVP. “He had the opportunity to race against the eventual state runner up in LaPorte eight different times and he tried a different strategy every time. He continued that strong effort to be our number one runner for sectionals, regionals, semi state, and to was ninth place finisher in the state cross country meet this year. He’s only a sophomore,” Prow said.

Next to give awards was girl’s cross country coach, Karen DeVries. Karen spoke about the successful year that the girls had. “Congratulations to all you athletes”, Karen said. “We had an outstanding season this year and our team really worked through the season. They won first in conference, first in sectionals, first in regional’s, and they ended up finishing third in state.” With great sectional and regional titles, and a great attitude throughout the year, Katelyn DeVries was awarded 2011 MVP for girls cross country.

Mark Hoffman then gave awards in football, awarding linebacker Jake Grossnickle with the MVP “It’s a great honor to pass out the 2011 football Most Valuable Player award for the last time. This young man has been a three year starter for us.”

The next coach to give awards was Bill Miller, who awarded Harley Dubsky with the MVP award for the girls’ golf team.. “This year’s girls golf MVP was an exceptional student athlete here at Valpo High School. Currently as a sophomore, she is re-writing the record books in girls’ golf!”

“The team made it all the way to first place this year”, said boys soccer coach Danny Jeftich. He awarded Robbie McBride with the MVP award. Robbie played all positions on the field and works hard in academics as well as sports.

The girl's soccer team finished an awesome season also. The team finished first in conference, won their Sectionals and advanced to the Sweet 16 in the entire state! Kate Johnson was awarded the MVP alloting 24 goals and 14 assists on the season. Her coach, Robert Cespedes, bragged on her saying, "She's been recognized by the Duneland coaches for not only her ability but also her sportsmanship."

For boys tennis Tim Shideler awarded Ben Kalisch with the MVP award.. “He’s a great student and a great athlete.” Ben has been on the team for three years now and has accumulated over 52 wins.

Before the different sports groups split off to their separate rooms for all of the players to be recognized, Coach Katie Lenard for the girls’ volleyball team awarded Kate Workman with MVP. “Our record this year was 33 and 5. Our MVP played in every game, and she is a four year varsity letterman.”

To end the ceremony Coach Hoffman gave some encouraging words to the parents and students, “We are all proud of your sons and daughters. They’ve made excellent decisions, and that’s why we at Valparaiso are very proud of the kids that we have in this great community.”

Click here for photos from the ceremony!