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VHS Students Help Tri Kappa Book Sale

VHS-National-Honor-Society-Book-Sale-1On Monday, October 17th, Valparaiso High School students from National Honor Society, lead by teachers Mr. John Hershberger and Mr. Miguel Rosario, helped the Kappa Kappa Kappa with setting up with their Annual Used Book Sale. The annual sale will be Thursday, October 20th and Friday, October 21st from 8am-8pm and Saturday, October 22nd from 8am-1pm.

The sale is held at the Valparaiso National Guard Armory at 1502 Linwood Ave. (South Side of US 30). Proceeds from the book sale will help benefit community projects and scholarships. For more information please go to: http://sites.google.com/site/trikappavalpo/.




  • VHS National Honor Society members Katelyn Fezcko (left) and Martina Snemis set up a table of Sports books.
  • Tri-Kappa member Carolyn Biesen puts away scientific type books.
  • VHS National Honor Society members help set up the Annual Tri-Kappa Used Book Sale.