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VHS Vikette & Cheer Tryouts

Want to get involved in school? Like to dance or cheer? Consider becoming a Valparaiso High School Vikette or Cheerleader!

Cheer Tryouts

  • Parent Meeting Thursday April 14th 6:30pm in VHS Room Teal 106
  • Tryout Clinic – April 18th-20th 3-5pm in VHS Main Gym
  • Tryout- April 21st 3:00pm in VHS Main Gym

Vikette Tryouts

  • Parent Meeting: Wednesday April 28th 6:30pm in VHS Room Teal 106
  • Tryout Clinic – May 2nd -4th 3-5 pm in VHS Main Gym
  • Tryout: Thursday, May 5th in VHS Gym

If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Coach Baker at 364-2298 or Coach Wissing at 531-3070 ext.5238.