Home»Sports»High Schools»VHS Vikettes Dance & Flag Team to Host 2014 Junior Dance Clinic

VHS Vikettes Dance & Flag Team to Host 2014 Junior Dance Clinic

vhs-vikettes-clinic-2014The Valparaiso High School Vikettes Dance and Flag Team is once again hosting their Jr. Dance Clinic for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. Students are invited to join the VHS Vikettes to learn a dance routine, then perform that routine at half time of a VHS Varsity Basketball game!

Registration will take place on Tuesday, December 2nd at 6:00pm in the VHS Fieldhouse. The camp will follow 6:30 - 8:00pm and again on Thursday, December 4th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Game day will be Friday, December 5th. Girl Scouts who participate will earn a patch!

The cost is $30 and includes a t-shirt, pom-poms, two days of dance instruction by the VHS Vikettes and admission to the game,.

Any questions? Contact Coach Molly Phelps at valpovikettes@hotmail.com. "Like" us on Facebook for the latest info and pictures at www.facebook.com/valpovikettes