Recently, the team has made major improvements to the speed and usability of our photos section. This fact, coupled with our photo purchasing system means that it is easier than ever to find and buy photos from
In our entire photo section, you can always click on a photo or the text under it to navigate to that photo/Album.
The Featured Albums section has two arrow buttons on either side of the photos. These buttons will activate the "Photo Carousel". Using these buttons, you can view up to 40 different Featured Albums!
The Recent Albums also utilizes the Photo Carousel to show up to 40 albums.
Now we can see all of the different albums under the Park District subsection. Each album usually corresponds to an event, but for some big events they are split up into multiple galleries. For example, the Junior triathlon is split into a boy's section and a girl's section. Let's take a look at the boy's album.
Each album page will show up to 39 photos. If there are more than 39 photos in an album, a "Next" link will appear.
As you navigate the album, a "Back" link will appear.
The links will also be available at the bottom of the page for easy browsing.
When the "Next" link disappears, you know you've reached the end of the gallery.
When you click on an individual photo, you will be taken to our SmugMug page. You can continue browsing through smug mug, or go "back" on your browser to return to
SmugMug offers a variety of tools such as different sizes to view...
different ways to view the album...
a variety of ways to e-mail, embed, and share photos
and perhaps the best tool, the ability purchase photos.
When you go to buy a photo, you can choose a wide variety of sizes and styles.
You can even buy the photos on anything from t-shirts to mugs!
Check out is very straight forward. Just review your order...
pick your shipping method...
add your personal information, then checkout!
We're constantly trying to make it easier for you to navigate the site and find exactly what you want quickly. Make sure to email with any questions or comments.