Home»Other»Visclosky Announces $2.6 Million in HUD Funding

Visclosky Announces $2.6 Million in HUD Funding

Congressman-Visclosky-HeadshotCongressman Visclosky announced grant awards from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to the Gary, East Chicago, Hammond, and Michigan City Housing Authorities under the Capital Fund Program.

“I commend the efforts made by the leadership in the Cities of East Chicago, Gary, Hammond, and Michigan City to secure these HUD grants. The ability to provide affordable housing to the residents of Northwest Indiana is essential to improving the quality of life of our residents,” Congressman Pete Visclosky said.

The awards breakdown are the following:
East Chicago Housing Authority: $1,270,037.00
Gary Housing Authority: $3,466,627.00
Hammond Housing Authority: $704,978.00
Michigan City Housing Authority: $200,025.00

For Fiscal Year 2015, the Department will make available $11.8 billion to approximately 3,100 grantees. The Capital Fund provides grants annually to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) for capital and management activities, including modernization and development of public housing. For more information on Capital Funds please visit: Office of Capital Improvements - Office of Public Housing Investments.