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Visiting Nurse Association “Gets Ready”

The Visiting Nurse Association participated in the American Public Health Association's National Get Ready Day on September 15th with displays aimed at educating staff members and volunteers on the importance of preparing for all emergencies, such as natural disasters, pandemic flu and weather emergencies. The displays included informational material, as well as samples of items to stockpile in case of emergency.

Emergencies - such as tornadoes, floods, storms, earthquakes or even disease outbreaks - can happen unexpectedly. You may be without electricity, refrigeration, clean tap water or phone service for days or weeks. In some cases, such as during a disease outbreak, you may be asked to stay home to keep safe. That's why having an emergency preparedness stockpile is important.

All Americans should have at least a three-day supply of food and water stored in their homes, with at least one gallon of water per person per day. If you have the space, experts recommend a week's supply of food and water. Choose foods that don't require refrigeration and are not high in salt. Your stockpile should also contain flashlights, a manual can opener, a radio, batteries and copies of important documents. Depending on your family's needs, you may also need medical supplies, pet food, contact lens solution, diapers or infant formula.

For more tips on creating your emergency preparedness stockpile, visit www.getreadyforflu.org. For information about the VNA and the VNA's scheduled flu shot clinics, visit the VNA website at www.vnaportercounty.org or call the VNA Flu Phone at 531-8088.