Home»Other»VNA of Porter County to Sponsor Free Willis & Trusts Seminar

VNA of Porter County to Sponsor Free Willis & Trusts Seminar

You are invited to a free WILLS & TRUSTS SEMINAR sponsored by the VNA Forever Society on Thursday, Jan. 15th, 9:30-11:30 a.m. at VNA Administration Building, 2401 Valley Drive, Valparaiso. Local attorneys Hugh Martz and Andrew Lucas will present the “whys” and “hows” about preparing your will.

To register, please call (219) 531-8049 or email mhamline@vnaportercounty.org by Jan. 12th. Bring a guest! Refreshments will be served.

And are you looking for a fun and meaningful way to give back to your community? VNA Meals on Wheels is looking for volunteers to deliver meals in the Valpo and Chesterton area. You can deliver as few or as many times per month as you’d like. Volunteers deliver meals Monday-Friday between 11:00am and 12:30pm. Drivers must be 18 or over with a valid driver’s license. Contact the VNA by email at sswearington@vnaportercounty.org or phone 531-8006 for more details!