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Volunteers create care kits to support underserved communities

Volunteers create care kits to support underserved communities

It can be difficult to care for yourself if basic necessities aren’t always easy to come by. For people in need, special care kits, assembled by UnitedHealthcare volunteers, will soon be on their way to help.

More than 400 telecommuters in Wisconsin joined the effort to assemble these care hygiene kits, which included things like toothpaste and a toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, body wash and deodorant. Also included in each kit is a personal note from the volunteers with words of encouragement.

The effort was a collaboration between UnitedHealthcare and HandsOn Twin Cities.

In total, 8,000 care kits were distributed to 10 nonprofits in Wisconsin. The kits were then distributed to each organization's clients, including individuals and veterans who are experiencing homelessness, victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and families who are struggling to make ends meet.

“This is such a bright spot to be able to help,” said Tina Vall, a UnitedHealthcare volunteer. “There’s so many people that have been out of work that just don’t have the resources to get something as simple as this.”

Watch the video above to see how these kits came together to help the underserved.

The nonprofit organizations receiving the kits includes:

The Altrusa House

Bolton Refuge House

COTS, Inc.

Giving is Good, Inc.

House of Hope

Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative

Our Neighbors' Place

Paul's Pantry

Warming House - Day by Day Housing

West CAP