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Washington Township Elementary Kicks Off A Great Year

Washington Township Elementary is off to a great start for the 2010-2011 school year. We look forward to sharing the successes of our school and students with you on a regular basis as well as share detail regarding some of our activities. First we would like to note that the Father/Student Night has been changed to October 22nd from the 15th due to a scheduling conflict. Mark your calendars, for this fun night, more information will be released soon.

Friday, September 10th Student Council Elections were held, each student wishing to participate gave a speech to their homeroom. Voting occured following the speeches and 4-5 students were chosen from each 3rd-5th grade homeroom class. Thursday night, September 16th, an induction ceremony was held for the members and their families. Students meet during lunch on Mondays and help organize and staff the blood drive, fun fair, tours for new students, the book store, the lost and found and other activities throughout the year. Congratulations to the following newly elected members:

3rd Grade
Mrs. Bauer: Katey Clark, Austin Graf, Emma Johnson, Taylor Schumann, and Hailey Ruesch (Alternate)
Mrs. Miller: Zoe Brickner, Bruce Goehl, Allison Haines, Emily Walsworth, and Bethany Greer (Alternate)

4th Grade
Mr. Balash: Edward Orta, Olivia Follis, Jordan Sheets, and Hunter Pritchard (Alternate)
Mr. Chowning: Nia Robinson, Andy Vas, Matt Wirth, and Travis Darnell (Alternate)
Mrs. Vehling: Noelle Arrigo, Nicholas Rupnow, Stefanie Wood, and Kyle Krawczyk (Alternate)

5th Grade
Mrs. Krieger: Anna Banaski, Morgan Olson, Katie Wilgus, and Ryan McCormack (Alternate)
Mr. Roberts: Samantha Bolin, Kristina Smrekar, Kortney Wilgus, Tess Boby (Alternate)
Mrs. Zborowski: Madison Batthauer, Haley Johnson, Carson Rhodes, and Anna Penwitt (Alternate)

Each full week of school a student from each home room is chosen for Student of the Week to be acknowleged the following week. High Fives to those who were celebrated the week of 9/6:

1st Grade:
1C: The Whole Class -- 1H: Blake Haines, Kevin Cahillane, & Taryn Smith -- 1P Billy Gavin

2nd Grade:
2B: Mason Price & Caden Walsworth -- 2F: Gabrielle Unzicker -- 2R :Olivia Eberwein

3rd Grade:
3B: Jennifer Cahilane -- 3M: Bruce Goehl

4th Grade:
4B: Erick Sweeney -- 4C: Justin Tomayer -- 4U Renee McLinn 4U

5th Grade:
5R: Brett Steel -- 5Z: Austin King, Zach Little, De' Angelo Marzano, Gianis Tourlaikis, & Savannah Yates

Hats Off to the 4th/5th grade students who were selected to be a part of this year's Spell Bowl Team. The top 8 students will compete in the Region's Spell Bowl hosted by WTE on November 18th. This year's team consists of : Michael DeHaven, Madison Batthauer, Mikayla Higgins, Tyler Smolar, Karina Evans, Haley Johnson, Ben Stewart, Matt Wirth, Edward Orta, Taylor Hunsaker, Annika Kuehl, Ethan Jones, Nicholas Rupnow, Jared Armstrong, Matt Rogers, & Megan Rokosz.