Fund Set Up For Cory Hayes
One of our evening custodians, Cory Hayes, was in a serious automobile accident this week and was air-lifted to Chicago. Cory suffered multiple injuries including fractures to several vertebrae and will no doubt have a lengthy recovery. Because Cory has no health insurance, a fund has been set up in his name through the DeMotte State Bank. The closest branch is located in the Tyson's Store in Kouts for anyone who wishes to contribute.
Our Spell Bowl Team Will Be Competing
They will be facing 12 other teams (usually the best in the state) from Porter County. Team members include:= Jared Armstrong, Madison Batthauer, Michael Dehaven, Karina Evans, Mikayla Higgins, Taylor Hunsaker, Haley Johnson, Ethan Jones, Annika Kuehl, Edward Orta, Matthew Rogers, Nicholas Rupnow, Tyler Smolar, Ben Stewart, Matthew Wirth
Students Of The Week:
1st Grade: Philip Pezan 1C; Jacob Zosso1H; Angelina Marshall 1P
2nd Grade: Colin Majda 2B; Alyssa Suprenant 2F; Kate Beschinski 2R
3rd Grade: Sarah Walker 3B; Katie Lohse 3M
4th Grade: Kayla Rossworn 4B; Travis Darnell 4C; Noelle Arrigo 4U
5th Grade: Tyler Stump 5K; Tyler Smolar 5R; Carson Rhodes 5Z
Pint Size Blood Drive Makes A Difference
We received a letter from the American Red Cross thanking us for sponsoring their Pint-size Blood Drive on October 21st. We exceeded our goal of 75 units by collecting 77. Thanks to all who participated!
Make A Wish Samples
At our Character Convos for October's Core Value of Citizenship students learned that an important part of good citizenship is wanting to make things better and working towards that goal. Many times it starts with a wish or a dream. Listed below are some of the wishes students had for making our country better.
- “I wish kids could have jobs if they want one.” -Jordan Rosenbaum, 4U
- “I wish the economy was better.”- Logan Ward, 4C
- “I hope we will never lose our right to vote.”- Billy Bagby, 4U
- “I wish that landfills disappear and everything gets recycled, not put in the trash.”- Jason Gladney, 4B
- “I wish WTS could go on a field trip to clean up the beach.” - Hannah Bellamy, 3B
- “I wish everybody would have enough money to buy food.” -Jenna Young, 3M
- “I wish it was illegal to hunt animals.”- Josh Pearson, 3M
- “I wish that everyone was nice.”- Caleb Heminger, 3B
- “I think that there will be more helping people and that people will stop spending so much money.”- Emma Johnson, 3B
- “My dream for the world is that one day they would cut down pollution by figuring out a better fuel or way of transportation.”- Delanie Burchert, 5Z
- “My dream is to help all of the kids in the world so they don’t starve.”- Lily Hurst, 5Z
- "Smoking should be recalled.” - Kensey Jackson, 5R
- “I think we should stop pollution.” - Rebeca Skrzypczak, 5R
- “I wish people would stop abusing animals.”- Alexis Davenport, 5K
- “My dream for the nation is real peace. Not just here but for the whole world. I don’t want any more ware or people, wives, husbands, sons, and daughters to have to go to war and to never come back.” - Sage Mings, 5K
- “There are too many crimes. There needs to be more cops to prevent this. People have their stuff stolen, and people even get killed.” -Lance Schirato, 5K
- “No robbing.” -Kohl Parker, 1C
- “I wish there was no fighting.”- Leighton Wiser, 1H
- “I wish when I grow up that my town is safe.”- Robert Vinzant, 1H
- “When I get older, I want the ladies to be President.”- Olivia Martinez, 1P
- “I hope that there is no more littering.” -Josh Hurst, 2B
- “I wish it will be clean, peaceful, and caring neighbors.”- Morgan Spicer, 2F
- “I wish for people to have jobs.” -Alexa Mecchia, 2R
- “I hope that people will not call others names and will treat others with respect.” - Quinlan Scott, 2B