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Washington Township Elementary News: ISTEP Scores, Core Value, and Cyber Bullying Presentation

School Board To Recognize Perfect ISTEP Scores washington-township-logo

Monday, November 8, the EPCSC School Board will be recognizing those students who received a perfect score on their ISTEP tests within the last two years. Recognized from Washington Twp. Elementary will be Delanie Burchert (Lang.Arts Fall '08) and Sam Soucie (Lang. Arts Spring '09). Congratulations to both of these students!

November's Core Value: "Cooperation"

This month in our Core Value Convos with the students we will look at cooperation. We think it's a very important skill to learn at school so that's why we're recognizing it for the month of November. Our handbook breaks cooperation into three important parts.

Working with others to achieve a common goal - Whether it's cleaning up your home with your family, doing a school project with someone else, or working in small groups in class on an assignment, cooperation is a key element for a group to achieve success. It means everyone working together involving everyone in each part and not letting any one person do the whole job. If each person contributes one of their abilities and talents the job will go a lot quicker and be of a better quality.

Knowing when to compromise - Everyone things they know the right answer or what's the best thing to do, but people who are good at cooperation learn to compromise their personal preferences for the betterment of the group. Good cooperators know that if everyone gives a little, a lot can be accomplished. It may mean the group doesn't do everything you wanted, but that it will get a lot more done as a result.

Respecting other's views - In a group there's bound to be a lot of different views on how best to get the job done. A good cooperator will respect everyone's opinions and try to make sure that everyone's opinions are heard. There's always people who are shy or reluctant to contribute, but someone good at cooperation will make sure these people's opinions are included and respected as well. It doesn't mean your give up your opinions or beliefs, but you show respect for those that are different from your and try to find common ground so that the group can move forward and get the job done.

In the real world people who don't cooperate don't get very far. We think students need to learn cooperation to truly be successful in life.

Sexting and Cyber Bullying Presentation

On November 16, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., there will be a presentation at Morgan Township Middle/High School on the dangers of sexting and cyber bullying. This presentation is open to all families in the East Porter County School District.

Click on the link for more information: http://epcsc.schoolwires.net/epcsc/lib/epcsc/sexting_bully_flyer.pdf