Flyers were sent home this week with each child announcing our Picture Day on Friday, September 16th showing you what options are available. Payment envelopes will be sent home with each child next week. Please note: Checks need to be made out to Lifetouch, not the school. Sorry, no rain checks - pictures are all prepaid. (If a child misses pictures on Friday, they may have them taken on Retake Day later on in the fall.)
Email is quickly becoming a preferred way of communicating with staff here at WTE. Did you know all teachers and aides have an email account here at school? The quickest way to access that information is to go to our school website at: http://www.epcsc.k12.in.us and click on "Staff." Phone extensions and email addresses are conveniently there for you
Now that the weather is becoming cooler, don't forget to pack a sweatshirt or light jacket for your child on PE days
Each year our school participates in several fundraisers to support the activities and curriculum at our school. One of them is Market Day. Each child receives an order form to take home each month with various convenient food products not normally found in the grocery store. These forms need to be returned to school, if an order is being placed, or better yet, ordered online. The deadline for ordering is always the Tuesday before the pick-up date. Since we share this fundraiser with the High School, we split the profits with them. Half of the elementary profits go directly to each classroom to purchase extra supplies and materials. So look over the flyers, order some delicious products, and help your child's classroom.
Congratulations to the following 4th/5th grade students who were selected out of 36 who tried out to be a part of this year's Spell Bowl Team. The top 8 students will compete in the Region's Spell Bowl hosted by WTE on November 17th.
4th Grade - Katey Clark, Jennifer Cahillane, Katie Evans, & Bethan Greer.
5th Grade - Jared Armstrong, Andy Vas, Matt Rogers, Matt Wirth, Michael Ball, Savannah Wilgus, Edward Orta, Michael DeHaven, James Churchill, Karina Evans, Maddy Moore, & Katelyn Majda
Our Title I aides, Mrs. Nicole Graves and Mrs. Doreen Rokosz, will be available during recess to help students who are having problems with finishing, or doing, their work. Students may go there voluntarily to get help with any work they may need additional time orhelp with, or may be sent there by their teacher to get unfinished work done. We realize not everyone can take advantage of our after-school programs so we're creating another opportunity for students to get help during the school day.
Just a reminder that the corporation Transportation Policy states, "Students should be waiting at the designated boarding stations when the school bus arrives. Generally, buses will run very close to the same time each day. Bus drivers need to be reasonable at a bus stop, but need not wait an extended length of time." Our policy is that if the student isn't at their stop, or isn't hustling down the driveway when the bus arrives, the driver should keep on going. Please don't expect the bus to wait for your child who isn't outside when the bus arrives. It delays the bus which is already on a tight schedule.
Just a few reminders in regards to the Planned Absence Policy . The Planned Absence may only be used one time a year (for a time period of 1-3 days) and any Students in grades 3-5 also may not take planned absences during ISTEP testing weeks (Mar.5 -14 & April 30-May 9). The corporation is trying to close a few loopholes and tighten our attendance policies for the simple reason that "empty seats don't learn." We realize there are situations which arise which call for a legitimate absence, but these should be few, and far between. Right now, at the elementary, our consequences for unexcused/excessive absences are requiring 2 hours of make-up time for each day missed, as well as only partial credit for any work turned in. If possible, please keep these rules in mind when planning family vacations.
1st Grade
- James Fanzo & Layla Stokes 1C
- The Whole Class 1H
- Connor O'Dell, Gunnar Casbon, Mason Starkey, & Isabella Zedler 1P
2nd Grade
- Alyssa Cornejo 2B
- Rivers Cherry 2F
- Olivia Martinez 2R
3rd Grade
- Maggie Smolek 3B
- Anthony Kolep 3M
- Alexa Mecchia 3U
4th Grade
- Ethan McDowell & Will Phillis 4C
- Bruce Fieffer 4B
- Zoe Brickner 4G
5th Grade
- Ian Casbon 5K
- Jared Armstrong 5R
- The Whole Class 5Z
Just a reminder that electronic devices (nintendos, ipods, cell phones, walkie-talkies, mp3 players, etc.) are not allowed during regular school hours. These all come under the definition of what we call "Toys" in our school handbook . If they must be in a child's possession during the day, they should either be kept in the backpack, purse, or other secure location. If they "come out" they may be confiscated by the teacher or aide in charge and kept until the end of the day, or longer, if a repeat offense. Not only are these devices extremely distracting to the educational process, but they have a tendency to be broken, or stolen, easily. The school will not be responsible for replacing, locating, or repairing items that should not be here in the first place.
Did you know that when your purchase an Educational License Plate for your car $18.75 of it goes to our school corporation? And, did you know we are using these monies to fund Teacher Professional Development activities (since the state cut our funding in this vital area)? Help us help our teachers by purchasing one of these license plates.