Home»Community»Education»Washington Township Elementary News: Snow Make-Up, Collections, New Painting, and Benefit Concert

Washington Township Elementary News: Snow Make-Up, Collections, New Painting, and Benefit Concert

FROM THE PRINCIPALwashington-township-logo

Dear Parents, Students, & Staff,

Next Thursday marks the end of our 2nd grading period and 1st semester. There will be no school on Friday, January 21. (Thursday originally was supposed to be used for teachers to record grades, but we used it so we could do Parent/Teacher Conferences in the Fall instead.)

Just a reminder that a link to your child's report card will be emailed to you by Wednesday, January 26 (if you don't have a Parent Portal account, your child will get a paper copy to bring home). If you want a printout of most of the grades the final grade will be based on, it would be good to go into Parent Portal in Harmony by Friday, January 21 and print them out. Teachers will be "finalizing" their grade books on Monday, January 24 and when they do the grade books are no longer accessible on Parent Portal for that grading period, as it only lets you see the grade book of the "current" grading period (one of Harmony's shortcomings, unfortunately). We're still working to get some of the bugs out of this online system, but, for the most part, are very pleased with it's efficiency and communication potential.

Sincerely, Rik Ihssen


Some people have inquired about what happens if we have a 2-hour delay on a Late Start Wednesday? Basically, the 2-hour delay "cancels" the 40-minute late start and school will begin exactly 2 hours later from the normal starting time. (Same with bus pick-ups: exactly 2 hours from the normal pickup time.)


The make-up day for our cancelled school day Wednesday will be Tuesday, June 7th. All future snow days will be added to the end of the year school calendar, like this one.


  • 1st Grade
    • Evan Schott 1C; Kallie Vibbert 1H; Ian Allen 1P
  • 2nd Grade
    • Nathan Whitcomb 2B; Anthony Russo 2F; Carissa Little 2R
  • 3rd Grade
    • Katie Blake 3B; Emily Walsworth 3M;
  • 4th Grade
    • Olivia Follis 4B; Morgan Bullington 4C; Matthew Rogers 4U
  • 5th Grade
    • Joey Funk 5K; Cooper Smolek 5R; Aleah Beschinski 5Z


Thanks to all of you who turned in your Town & Country receipts. We collected a total of $49, 031 which will generate a donation from Town & Country of about $2451! Keep collecting the receipts as the program continues through the next semester as well. Please keep receipts marked January 1st through May 31st. They can be turned in near the computer lab.Thanks to Mrs. Tammy Finley and Mrs. Debbie Jackson for coordinating this program.


Remember, we still collect Box Tops For Eduction and Campbells Soup Labels as well (also found on Pepperidge Farm Products and Juice Drink such as V8). Money collected from these is used for school projects and awards. Finally we have a collection bin for the tab found on canned drinks. These are turned in to Ronald McDonald house and Riley's Children's Hospital, who in turn, redeem them for money for their facilities.


January 29th & February 5th 9am - 12 Noon Elementary Lobby Questions: Call Randy Roberts 464-3597 Ext. 6351


If you get a chance, check out our new artwork in the cafeteria. Mrs. Barb Geiss approached me earlier in the year about decorating the cafeteria differently and had a painting company in mind to do the work. After consulting with them we decided to make the 2 center poles "trees" and print our 8 core values on the wall, adding new valances later for the windows. A big thanks to Mrs. Geiss for providing the idea and supplies. (The labor was paid for out of our Fun Run proceeds from last year.) I think it makes for a nice addition to our school and hope you will enjoy it.


One of our night custodians, Cory Hayes, was involved in an automobile accident last fall that left him paralyzed from the waist down. A benefit concert will be held Saturday, January 29 starting at 2:00 p.m. to help defray his medical costs. The benefit will be held at the Wanatah American Legion, 203 S. Washington St. A $10 donation will be requested. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 raffle and a silent auction. Musical groups include Southshore Regulators, C4 Blues Band, One More & Billy Wagner and Cookin Country.