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The controversial film, Passion of the Christ, was criticized in many ways, but the loudest upheaval was over Jim Caviezel, playing as Jesus Christ, and his character's supposed overexaggeration of suffering and the amount of bloodshed that was displayed. Although there wasn't any controversial over-the-top acting by Gloria Dei's version of the event, it might have raised an eyebrow or two from passer-byers as a procession of more than 150 people followed the participatory church service through the streets of Valpo.
The Gloria Dei Lutheran Hispanic Mission put on the annual Good Friday event where the Passion story was acted out and read as participants walked through the streets of Valpo. Hymns meditating on Jesus' suffering and death and prayers echoing a heart for the community, government, church family, and everything in between were also a part of the mobile church service. Valpo resident, Rick Michna, attended the event and said he was impressed with the amount of people that were there.
Indeed, it was a sight to see as police blockaded off Lincolnway when Roman soldiers following three prisoners, one with long, brown hair dragging a big, wooden cross, lumbered across the busy avenue right around rush hour Friday afternoon. The one-mile procession started at 308 N. Washington Street going to Michigan Avenue through Lincolnway all the way to Brown Street, making a zig-zag through Brown and Freeman Streets and ending right in front of Maria Elena's Restaurant on a grassy soccer complex on the VU campus. It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day with occasional gusts of wind to refresh anyone on the one-mile excursion. The procession also stopped occasionally to see the next part of the story of our Messiah as well as to sing a hymn or pray a prayer.
At the final stage of the journey, the man with the crown of thorns and the two other prisoners were strapped to the wooden cross-bars as the man playing Jesus showed his blood markings on his back and sides. As they were hoisted up in the air on three wooden crosses, the audience stood in solemnful silence. A perfect reminder to what all happened on that day 2,000 years ago. John Albers, Pastor of Faith Memorial Lutheran Church, and his congregation have been involved with the event since the inception four years ago. His congregation is also a partner with Gloria Dei and donates much time and donations to the mission. "We're called to be witnesses and hopefully others will join with us in being witnesses as well [in participating in the Way of the Cross]," explains Albers.
You can follow the Way of the Cross as well throughout the whole year by donating of your time or money to the Gloria Dei Lutheran Hispanic Mission. Call Sarah Fields at the Northwest Indiana Lutheran Hispanic Mission Society at (219) 246-8811.