Home»Community»Worship»Way of the Cross Procession Set for Good Friday, April 18, 2014

Way of the Cross Procession Set for Good Friday, April 18, 2014

Way of the Cross Procession Set for Good-1---2014-04-09 02 24 53On April 18th actors, musicians, and members of the community will be walking through the streets of Valparaiso to take part in the re-enactment of the final hours of Jesus.

The 1.5 mile Way of the Cross (Via Crucis) procession begins at 4:00 pm at Heritage Lutheran Church, 308 Washington Street in Valparaiso and ends at 5:30 pm at the Chapel of Resurrection at Valparaiso University.

Parishioners and volunteers take up roles to depict the steps that Jesus took, wearing a crown of thorns and walking under the weight of a cross, on the way to his own crucifixion.

"Most people are familiar with the final hours of Jesus, but to actually see it acted out, on Good Friday, is an incredibly moving and meaningful experience," said Pastor Tomas Angon, Gloria Dei Hispanic Mission.

Members of Gloria Dei Hispanic Mission and Valparaiso University will play the parts of Jesus Christ, his mother Mary, the disciples, Simon of Cyrene, Pontius Pilate, Roman soldiers and townspeople of Jerusalem.

Musicians will play along the route while the followers participate in the singing of hymns. Pastor Angon and Reverend James Wetzstein of Valparaiso University will lead the pilgrimage of bilingual scripture, prayer, meditation and silent reflection on Christ's suffering and death.

All are welcome to participate in the procession. If walking is a challenge, transportation is available to Valparaiso University for the crucifixion scene and back to Heritage Lutheran Church.

Founded in 1994 Gloria Dei Hispanic Mission offers the following free services: K-12 tutoring program, Spanish worship services, adult and preschool English learner classes, a Mexican Folkloric dance group, citizenship classes, Spanish classes, transportation and childcare. For more information please contact Pastor Tomas Angon at 462-8207 x. 273.