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AMA Has Variable Data

rot1What is variable data?
Variable data is where elements such as text, graphics and images can be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing process using information from a database or external file.

What does this mean for you?
You can use variable data to do many things that fit into your marketing campaign! Variable data creates a whole new opportunity for your business by personalizing your mailing for each individual potential customer. By creating a personalized postcard, brochure, or flyer your customer will get the sense that you care for their own personal needs. This also provides your business with the flexibility to use variable data in multiple areas of the design. You could have an addressed letter with numbers, pictures, and values specific to the target market printed at once! The areas of variable data can also have specific fonts and colors different from the rest of the piece. They are completely customizable and personal to each and every potential customer!

Call AMA Design & Print today to see how variable data software can be used to target your custom market segment!